Friday, July 29, 2011

And so!

Hi again! I've been up to a hell lot of things lately, and being into a lot of trouble too! And I'm kinda high-spirited this time!
So the trouble? It's just that I'm kinda definitely going to be suspended from school next month for.. let's see.. not being late for school and having lost my already finished notebook. How'sat?
But to hell with that, kay? Tis the week of joy! I'm almost never in class and it felt a bit like heaven on hell. Uhh.. wait.

My sister's bugging me to let her play the net, so...i'll update later!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Postings And Chocolate-*insert swear word here*-Jelly

And so I'm back to writing fanfics after so long. What with all those passwords I keep forgetting, folios I had to finish (and it's still not done yet. -.-"), and the stupid writer's and artist's block. Yes, there's an artist's block, which made sketchers to have no idea what to draw.

There's this birthday party I'm at just a few hours ago, and the most....most....uhh...most something-thing has happen. See? I didn't even know how to describe it.
I was messing with Azza, dancing behind her when she wasn't looking. The first and second time she noticed, she drove me away by threatening to shove chocolate jelly. Then the third time (coz I was pretty sure she wouldn't do that), she chased me, grabbed my ankle making me fall, and squished a jelly on my mouth. Good thing I had enough time to cover it with my hands. But then the imaginable happened. EVERYONE grabbed me and shoved the CHOCOLATE-FREAKING-JELLY!!!!

Thanks guys. Love y'all like I love those chocolates.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Rants and Wins (Unrelated)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I am miserable.
And there you ask, you've got two entire weeks off school and nothing to do, so what's the problem? That's exactly my problem. I dislike holidays. There's absolutely nothing to do other than just laze about at home. Sure, there're times when I get to go out, like the time when my butt was sore due to 5 hours of sitting in a car to Melaka for the Relay For Life event there. Oh, and don't forget the movie I've just watched last night. (X-Men : First Class is AWESOME - but entirely confusing) A total of three days in two weeks. And I've read my whole sets of books - Skulduggery Pleasant, Maximum Ride, Blood Ninja.. all that other stuff...- I'm b-o-r-e-d.
I want fun, baby! I want to run around like a...a...a.......umm.........whatever it is that runs around just for fun! I want to slap somebody at the back! Yawn-rape someone! And ultimately, SLEEP IN CLASSES!!
I don't get to do much of those in the holidays. The only people I can slap are my sisters, and they cry like babies after that. Wait. They are babies! What a lovely surprise! I even tried yawn-raping myself. Who knows that it's actually tough poking a finger inside the mouth when you're yawning? And I'm not tired enough to be able to have nap times. And fun is only when I watch Fairy Tail, Busou Renkin, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Bleach all in-a-row.
Now that Busou Renkin's over, what with Kazuki and Tokiko are happily ever after, yada yada yada... and Ichigo's done killing Kariya in Bleach... My anime schedule has narrowed down to... let's see....Fairy Tail, then a half-hour's break, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, then Lucky Star.

See? I am a miserable couch potato.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Favorite War Songs

OK, so we all know there's still all these people blasting each other's heads with fireworks up till this day. So here I am, listing my favorite war songs that I've heard. It's not that I support firing metal chunks in other's heads, rather I'm against it.

But these songs I like, whatever you say...
Up first, it's an old one. In Minutes To Midnight, Hands Held High, featuring Mike Shinoda 100%
Yeah. Damn the lyrics. I remember them clearly in my head but I'm too lazy to write them.

The next is by one of my favorite band! Our War by Neon Trees!
The video is not official. But it is so dang perfect... and he (or she or they) just made 5 vids and I say this is by far the best mash-vid I've seen. The timing's great, the pics proper.

And the latest song by 30 Seconds To Mars, This Is WAR!!!!
Yeah. I don't care about the illuminati thing at the end of the vid.

I found this song a few..ehh...a month ago. I don't know who wrote it or sang it, but I like it.
He sounds like from the middle east. Who cares? Forget the accent and there you have it.

The Hunger Games Movie?

You know Hunger Games, right? NO!? WHAT!? Then, for the love of books, grab it and read!

It's a good book and although I grimace at the idea of love as survival strategy, the action is spot-on. And guess what? They're making a freakin' movie! Awesome! Well, if it doesn't suck like the Twilight Saga then yes, I hope it'll be awesome!! I found these fanarts a few weeks ago on the main casts of the movie...
Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen! I dunno who da heck she is but she looks awesomely perfect for Katniss! Kinda looks like Bella Swan but rather than a helpless, crybaby heroin, Katniss can actually kill. Nice fanart, eh?
Peeta Mellark here is played by Josh Hutcherson. Recognize him? Of course you do! Journey To The Center Of The Earth, Cirque Du Freak!! Notice the bread he's holding? Yeah, in the book, he's described as 'the boy with the bread' as he saved Katniss from starvation by giving her -you guessed it- bread. Based on the Cirque movie, his facial expression when he lied was as if he didn't which is great, being a liar to keep himself and Katniss alive. A nice selection(?) by the producer.
Say...Liam Hemsworth as Gale? I dunno. Basically, even in the series, he just needed to be around looking pretty. Since, he is easy on the eyes, it's OK I guess... He he.

Well that's all folks. If you're interested in the movie I say get the book first you numbskull. I just wish the cast be a bit younger, ya know? Lawrence and Hemsworth are a bit older looking for teen roles. Tch. Ah well, let's all pray that when it comes out next year, it will definitely NOT suck as much as Twilight and Red Ridiing Hood!! Amin!!
what am I talking about, anyway?

Shounen...But I'm Leaning On Shoujo!

Ya know? I consider myself utterly influenced by what I read and what I see. Most of the comics in my box(es?) are shoujos, with a tinge of shounens in between. My collection of books are of science fictions. And a bit chick-lit. Can't help it... They're just so funny sometimes...
Ah well, where was I?
Oh. Yeah.
Anyway, what  I'm saying is, my mind has been terribly corrupted by all those shoujo mangas. Utterly, horribly...influenced? Yeah. There was this episode of Busou Renkin I've watched...beh...a week ago, and there's this part where Kazuki first victorised and Tokiko couldn't stand it when he ruthlessly tried to kill Victor...wait...
Its.....these scenes....

Yeah. Ignore the Spanish. I had to scour Youtube for those headshots. At the end of every episodes, there's Tokiko saying what'll happen in the next, aight? So I saw these exact shots and in my mind are two major things.
On the front side it says,"Heck!? What happened to Victor? He dead? What happened to Kazuki?"
But on the back of my mind it said,"Heck!? What happened to Kazuki? What the hell is Tokiko doing hugging him!?"

Then I was like hey, it's supposed to be an action anime not romance ya idiotic, numbskullic mind! What the heck do you care what she's doing on his chest.....

....what is she doing, anyway?

what am i talking about, anyway?