Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Shounen...But I'm Leaning On Shoujo!

Ya know? I consider myself utterly influenced by what I read and what I see. Most of the comics in my box(es?) are shoujos, with a tinge of shounens in between. My collection of books are of science fictions. And a bit chick-lit. Can't help it... They're just so funny sometimes...
Ah well, where was I?
Oh. Yeah.
Anyway, what  I'm saying is, my mind has been terribly corrupted by all those shoujo mangas. Utterly, horribly...influenced? Yeah. There was this episode of Busou Renkin I've watched...beh...a week ago, and there's this part where Kazuki first victorised and Tokiko couldn't stand it when he ruthlessly tried to kill Victor...wait...
Its.....these scenes....

Yeah. Ignore the Spanish. I had to scour Youtube for those headshots. At the end of every episodes, there's Tokiko saying what'll happen in the next, aight? So I saw these exact shots and in my mind are two major things.
On the front side it says,"Heck!? What happened to Victor? He dead? What happened to Kazuki?"
But on the back of my mind it said,"Heck!? What happened to Kazuki? What the hell is Tokiko doing hugging him!?"

Then I was like hey, it's supposed to be an action anime not romance ya idiotic, numbskullic mind! What the heck do you care what she's doing on his chest.....

....what is she doing, anyway?

what am i talking about, anyway?